Toledo from the Library

Toledo from the Library

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This initiative allows visitors to discover the most representative buildings of Toledo's architectural heritage through the windows of the Castilla-La Mancha Library and its café.

To do this, we offer an itinerary in which several tourist information points with spectacular views have been arranged. In this way, while visiting the Library, we can enjoy:

  1. The Alcázar of Toledo
  2. The Library of Castilla-La Mancha
  3. The Saint Ildefonso Conciliar Seminary
  4. The Castilla-La Mancha Room
  5. The Church of Saint Michael and Church of Saint Justo
  6. The Infantry Academy
  7. The Parade Ground of Alcazar and Statue of Emperor Charles V
  8. The Castle of San Servando
  9. The Cathedral of Toledo
  10. The Borbón-Lorenzana Room
  11. The Gallery of Illustrious People
  12. The Hospital of Tavera
  13. The Church of Saint Ildefonso
  14. The Hermitage of the Virgin of Valley

Galería multimedia

  • Toledo from the Library